Monday, October 25, 2010

German Poetry 18th Century

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe was thought to be the Shakespeare of German literature, he was also said to be the most important writer in German language, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was also much more than just a poet though.  He was defiantly considered to be a Renaissance man, mostly known for his writing but was very knowledgeable in all sorts of areas including, poetry, drama, literature, theology, philosophy, and science.

Short Biography-
 -Born 1749 and died 1832                        
 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe probably came from a wealthy family because he received private tutors in a wide variety of subjects such as languages like, Latin, Greek, French, and English.  On top of that he received dancing, horseback riding, and fencing lessons.  Over time Goethe found himself not agreeing with the church thinking it was "hotchpotch of fallacy and violence".  Around that same time he began to enjoy drawing quite a bit, he became very fascinated with puppet shows and really got into theatre and literature.  

- Goethe originally was going to school to become a lawyer.  When attending school there he earned a lot of credit for the poems he was producing on his free time.  It wasn't really until 1773 when he became well known, this time period was known as the Sturm und Drang movement.  During that time he released Götz von Berlichingen mit der eisenen.  Eventually Goethe became very recognized for his influence on literature.  He was invited to Weimar, where he would run many different political offices and still find time to focus a lot of his attention on poetry and writing. 

Famous Poems
"COURAGE. by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
CARELESSLY over the plain away,
Where by the boldest man no path
Cut before thee thou canst discern,
Make for thyself a path!

Silence, loved one, my heart!
Cracking, let it not break!
Breaking, break not with thee!

Bust of Goethe;


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Coin

"Über allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Keinen Hauch
Die Vöglein schweigen im Walde.
Warte nur balde
Ruhest du auch

150th anniversary commemorative Coin

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gender roles of women and men 1700's-1800's


Gender Roles (Ideology)

"Gender role is a term used in the social sciences and humanities to denote a set of behavioral norms that accompany a given gendered status (also called a gendered identity) in a given social group or system. Gender is one component of the gender/sex system, which refers to "the set of arrangements by which a society transforms biological sexuality into products of human activity, and in which these transformed needs are satisfied" (Reiter 1975: 159). Every known society has a gender/sex system, although the components and workings of this system vary widely from society to society."

"In many ways gender identity and roles function as any other social identity and role. Every known human society presents individuals with a set of statuses by which members of the society identify themselves and one another. Such statuses may be assigned to an individual automatically, based on the status of his or her parents, or based on some physical characteristic (including ones that emerge through the aging process); such statuses are called "ascribed." Other statuses may be achieved based on the activities and accomplishments of an individual. Scientists used to believe that gender was universally ascribed; today most recognize that elements of gender can be achieved. In either case, gender, like any other role, involves socially proscribed and prescribed behaviors, which may take the form of rules or values. Such rules and values do not determine or control an individual's behaviors absolutely. Usually they define boundaries of acceptable behavior within which there is always variation and room for individual creativity. Most researchers recognize that the concrete behavior of individuals is a consequence of both socially enforced rules and values, and individual disposition, whether genetic, unconscious, or conscious, although some researchers emphasize the objective social system, and others emphasize subjective orientations and dispositions."

"Moreover, such creativity may, over time, cause the rules and values to change. Although all social scientists recognize that cultures and societies are dynamic and change, there have been extensive debates as to how, and how fast, they may change. Such debates are especially intense when they involve the gender/sex system, as people have widely differing views about the extent to which gender depends on biological sex."

The suitable roles, rights, and responsibilities of both men and women in society are based on a gender role ideology.  This perception can usually reflect these attitudes in a specific area. These areas include things such as an economic, family, legal, political, and also social domain. Most of the time, gender ideology theories are one dimensional and range from traditional, conservative, or anti-feminist; to egalitarian, liberal, or feminist. Traditional gender ideologies highlight the values of specific roles for males and females. According to a traditional gender ideology about family, males accomplish their family roles through instrumental, business-like actions and women accomplish their roles through nurturing, homemaking, and parenting actions. Liberal ideologies regarding the family, by contrast, support and signify men and women to be equal and share business-like and nurturing family roles. 

information from
pictures from google images

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Class activity Wed Oct 13 etc.

We were asked to go through all the blogs and rate the them, these are the three best that I found.

1.) David Grow-
1. Overall appearance 30/30 points!  Looks great, not cluttered, and very organized.
2. completeness 20/20 points! good discussion of All Quiet on the Western Front.
3. Solid writing/blogging. 20/20 points!  Lots of information included in every post.
4. Images and sources support the topic of the posts. 10/10 points! Some of the posts were missing pictures. 
5. Your own criterion (which you must reveal in your post of the top three) 20/20 points

overall points: 100/100

2.) Kelsey Kubiak-
1. Overall appearance 30/30 points!  Looks great, not cluttered, and very organized.
2. completeness 20/20 points! Lots of information and totally completed.
3. Solid writing/blogging. 20/20 points!  Very detailed writing, lots of information included in every post.
4. Images and sources support the topic of the posts. 7/10 points! Some of the posts were missing pictures. 
5. Your own criterion (which you must reveal in your post of the top three) 20/20 points

overall points: 97/100

3.) Kyle W.-
1. Overall appearance 30/30 points!  Looks great, not cluttered, and very organized. but not too many pictures
2. completeness 20/20 points! Lots of information and totally completed.
3. Solid writing/blogging. 20/20 points!  Very detailed writing, lots of information included in every post.
4. Images and sources support the topic of the posts. 5/10 points! Some of the posts were missing pictures. 
5. Your own criterion (which you must reveal in your post of the top three) 20/20 points

overall points: 95/100

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All quiet on the westren front review

      In class we reviewed the book All Quiet on the Western Front that we were all supposed to read.  We went over some key topics on what the book was trying to say.  some of those topics were: talking about the author's success from this book, loosing identity after coming back from war, and how people can change when they are put in war situations.
      when talking about the author we went over how he had wrote articles for newspapers and small books that never got noticed.  But once he wrote All Quiet on the western Front it became and instant success and he never wrote another book because it made so much money.  We also went over that when soldiers come back from war and it's completely over with, they will have troubles rebuilding their identity.  It's hard because they have nothing when they come back into society and they have to learn how to adapt back into normal civilian life.  the last thing we talked about that the book showed was that people change when you go to war.  All the friends were youthful before they went to war and once they actualy got there they all became aggressive when they had to fight.