Patrick: french revolution - Frederick I?
Danielle: Holy Roman Empire
David: Frederick the Great (Frederick II)
Was said to be the first truley powerful king in Prussia, and was known as the soilders king. He was sucsessful in making the best army in all of Europe. They were the most talented and powerful, earing the nick name "Sparta of the North". Fredrick William I was really big into creating a powerful army to protect Prussia. In fact he seemed much like a soilder himself. He was known to sleep in the barracks with the rest of the fighting men and mostly spent his entire career building up the army. One extent that Fredrick went to in order to create the best army around was to recruit abnormaly tall men into his army. They would be known as the "Potsdam Giants".
Fredrick used his authority to build up a powerful centralized government and erase all of the past parliamentary estates. He had a course and crude style of ruling but he always came out with results.
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