Friday, September 10, 2010

Homework for Friday, September 10

-The Reichstag: Kyle & Sion

-Berlin Buildings:  andrew and shelby

-Berlin During WWII: Jessical and Khrystyna

-Berlin Structure: Jen and Krystal

-Berlin's Nightlife: Kayla and Lacey

-Berlin Sports, clubs and nightlife: Conner

-Tourism in Luebeck: Vaughn amd Breanna

-Berlin life, now and then: Steve & Kyle

-Tourism: Danielle

-Berlin's Entertainment/Today compared to the past: David & Patrick 

-Berlin Tram System: Ryan

-The Brandenburg Gate: Kelsey & Nichole

- Germany in the 1920's: Lexi and matt

-The U-Bahn & The S-Bahn: Kevin & Kevin

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