Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Located in North East Germany you will find the second most populous city in the European Union, Berlin.  According to the 2008 census, Berlin has 3,426,354 inhabits.  Berlin is Germany's Capital, it is 344 square miles and its located right by the Spree and Havel rivers.  The most comparable U.S. state in size considering square miles would be Rhode Island with 1,545 sq mi.  Berlin is very small, even though these aren't really comaprable, Rhode Island is the smallest state and therefore makes it the most compareable.   

When people hear "Berlin", they usually automatically think of Berlin as being a special state known mostly known for the berlin wall.  But there are other interesting things that are specail about Berlin, such as its archetecture.   The Fernsehturm stands as one of the tallest buildings in the European Union at 1,207 feet tall.  They also have lots of neat sculptures throughout the towns, one of the more famous ones is the Neptunbrunnen.  Designed and built by Reinhold Begas, it portrayed the Greek God Neptune with four women surrounding him meant to represent the four main rivers that go through Prussia, these rivers include Elbe, Rhine, Vistula, and Oder.  Another interesting fact about berlin is that it's inhabitants are not very religious at all, 65 percent of the poulation is considered to be athiest with now religious preferences.   

Famous People Born In Berlin

Ben Ishola                                                                    
Janine Habeck
Dominic Monaghan

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